Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Accupuncture is the treatment system for ailments by their intersection of needles at some definite points in the body.This system is mainly re practiced in china.It is now getting its popularity in the west slowly.
Allopathy is the medical system that is been practiced in western countries.This particular name was given by Hahnemann and he was used to distinguish his own medical way of approach with the orthodox medical practice.
Ayurveda is the science of medicine discovered by Hindus,dealing very largely with the numerous ways to prevent the diseases and methods for living an healthy life.
Unani is the medical system invented by Muslim hakims having resemblances to ayurveda in treatment.
Homeopathy is the best medical system involving minute doses of medicines to cure the diseases.They do not involve any complications and side effects.
Siddha is the system vogue in south India which makes use of specially prepared mercurial and copper compounds

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